Hey! We know you may be wondering why we haven’t posted anything since August 1st so we thought we’d post a quick update and tell you about our plans for the rest of 2019. First is the launch of this awesome new website! We’ve desperately wanted to update our website for awhile now but with our production schedule and general lack of website design skills… it hasn’t happened. But we were finally able to hire a great and talented friend to build this beautiful thing you see now and we’re so excited about it! We love that we’re launching it alongside the release of “How Spider-Man Far From Home Should Have Ended” that was written by our fans at the San Diego Comic Con this year!

Even though we haven’t uploaded anything to YouTube we’ve still been hard at work and we have a ton of stuff planned for the fall that we can’t wait for you to see. There’s plenty of upcoming How It Should Have Ended episodes in the works… IT Chapter 2, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and Jumanji just to name a few! And we’ve heard your requests so you can bet we’ve been working on a HISHE Dubs episode of Avengers Endgame as well. Here’s a sneak peak at the Frozen HISHE Dubs where Daniel plays Elsa. ;)

We hope to put out some new episodes of the Super Cafe and Villain Pub this fall as well so please keep checking back and thank you for sharing our stuff with everyone you know. That’s the best way to support us so we can keep making cartoons! And if you don’t already, please follow us on Instagram (@hishegram) and Twitter (@TheHISHEdotcom) too. We’d love to hear what movies you’re most looking forward to in the coming months!